History Chennai, initially known as Madras Patnam, was situated in the region of Tondaimandalam, a region lying between Pennar stream of Nellore and the Pennar waterway of Cuddalore. The capital of the territory was Kancheepuram.Tondaimandalam was controlled in the second century A.D. by Tondaiman Ilam Tiraiyan, who was a delegate of the Chola family at Kanchipuram. It is accepted that Ilam Tiraiyan probably repressed Kurumbas, the first occupants of the locale and set up his standard over Tondaimandalam.Subsequent to Ilam Tiraiyan, the district appeared to have been managed by the Chola Prince Ilam Killi.The Chola control of Tondaimandalam was put to an end by the Andhra Satavahana attacks from the north under their King Pulumayi II. They named tribal leaders to care for the Kancheepuram area. Bappaswami, who is considered as the principal Pallava to lead from Kancheepuram, was himself a tribal leader (of the plot round) at Kancheepuram under the Satavahana domain in the st...